
Welcome to our little corner of the web! We hope you'll stay with us just a little while and that you'll leave challenged and encouraged in your calling as a daughter of the King. If you are not sure you are a true daughter of the King, read The Gospel According to Pinocchio (yes, as in the wooden boy with a long nose): Part One, Part Two and Part Three.

If this is your first time here, find out Who We Are. We want to encourage you in your relationship with God, in your marriage, as you mother your children and as you keep your home. We believe that all women are created to follow after God with all their hearts. Our purpose here is to inspire you to grow in all of the roles and relationships God has given you.

If you like what you read here, get free updates from us in your inbox by entering your e-mail into the box in the sidebar. You can also get the updates in a feed reader or follow us on Facebook, where Jessica gives daily updates of our posts and other information.

We strive to filter all you read here through the precious Word of God. Please realize that we are fallible, but His Word is not. If anything on this blog does not line up with what you read in the Bible and embrace under the authority of the Holy Spirit and your husband (if you are married), please disregard it.

May our priorities be Biblical and our perspective eternal so our practice will be pleasing to the King of Kings!

With Joy,

The Cherish the Call Team:
Jennifer, Jessica, Joanna, Judy, Marion, Tonya, and Shawna