Monday, June 25, 2012

Little Ones Count

Ministry comes in all shapes and sizes! Ministry begins at home or abroad! Ministry takes all, not least!  Ministry is a calling! Since the time I was little, I have always wanted to be a Minister’s wife. I grew up in a minister’s home and my parents included me in their work from when I was young. That cultivated a desire for service as I grew.  Over the years, I have experienced varying degrees of ministry. Some have been in small groups and others large, but I found that it was not important where I was as long as I was in the center of God’s will. That is all that matters!

There are concentrated areas in ministry and I enjoy all that I have been privileged to be involved in. One that I have treasured are the “little ones.”  My husband and I became involved with inner-city children’s ministry when we first married. That involvement led to other events related to children such as special children’s focus during family camp, Vacation Bible Schools at our church and others, children’s church, and a new opportunity a couple weeks ago.
My husband and I just returned from Belize, Central America where we ministered in 3 Vacation Bible Schools. WOW! It was amazing! I had taken a couple other missions trips prior to marriage, but since our family has grown we haven’t been able to do this. Children…no matter where they live yearn to be loved. It is marvelous to be able to share Jesus’ love with them especially knowing it is probably the first time they have heard about it.

Uncharted waters! That is how we felt….we weren’t sure what to expect. The 3 churches there had not had VBS for several years. We planned an average of 50 children per night at each church. Were we ever mistaken! The very first night we had 111 children. It continued to grow until the last night it was well over 200. That was over 10% of the village’s population. Our 2nd VBS was in a very, very tiny village. Our attendance there was 44 with which we were thrilled (still over 10% of the village population!) Finally our last stop brought us over 100 children. Seeds were planted in little hearts! That’s what counts!

Summer brings great opportunities for touching a little life.  Take advantage of it! Don’t run from the chance. You might be the one that can show Jesus’ love. Ministry comes in all shapes and begins at home or abroad. Let’s remember Jesus’ words, “Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.” Matthew 18:14

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