Friday, February 17, 2012

Meet Our New Monthly Contributors!

I've already introduced you to our weekly contributors, Jessica Geise and Joanna LaVan. I remember telling you one of them I'd known since she was born (Joanna, my sister) and the other I'd never met in real life, just through blogging (Jessica).

Well, the same is almost true of our new monthly contributors. One has known me since I was born (Tonya) and the other one I've never met in real life, only through our blogs (Judy). You can read about all our contributors on the Who We Are page.

Here's my version of their bios! :-)

Tonya Hamilton is a homeschooling mother of 4 children. We've been pregnant at the same time all four times, so our kids are really close in age. We even use the same curriculum to homeschool! The similarities stop there. She married a pastor, and they are busy with all the demands of parsonage life. She has a wonderful gift of hospitality and is one of the most frugal shoppers I know. Although she'll be blogging on different topics, her areas of specialty are ministry wives and frugality.

Judy Hoch is a homeschooling mother of 7 children. She has a knack for all things techie and has helped me through many recent blogging woes. Her blog centers around large family living and homeschooling, especially in the Pennsylvania area. These are her specialties here on Cherish the Call along with earning money from home and frugality.

I know you will enjoy the creativity and wisdom of these ladies in their monthly posts here on Cherish the Call!

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