Wednesday, June 8, 2011

He is There

Evil has always complicated things. Since that bite of forbidden fruit in a garden long ago, life has been a bittersweet mix of joys and suffering; pain and pleasure; mountaintops and valleys. Often God is forgotten in the good times while we coast along and only remembered when the wind blows frigidly and the rains of life threaten to flood us. We want Him to come to us and remove the suffering. He comes, but the suffering stays, and we doubt Him.

Perhaps the most comforting and beautiful words in all of Scripture are these: "I am with you always."     These words are sweet when He is strolling with us hand in hand down a rosy path, but their real value comes in those "other" times.

When you drop to your knees in the wee hours, weeping out your pain, His tears drop beside yours. The hidden longings of your heart are an ache within His own. In that seemingly insurmountable temptation, when you feel you have no power to resist, He is supporting you with His mighty arm of power.

When words cut deep, they cut Him deeper. When others sin against you, they do "even so to Him". When every friend forsakes you, He alone stands by your side.

When you suffer...

when you hurt...

when you experience loss...

when you are broken...

when you cannot go on...

He is there!


  1. Thank you for the beautiful post!! I always enjoy what you have to share with us!! Rachel

  2. I agree! Thank you for this beautiful post! God provides encouragement at the perfect time. This time He used you for me! Thank you for posting!!
