Monday, March 7, 2011

Four Tips for New Moms

Here are few tongue-in-cheek tips for new moms which I am reminded of by my own recent experience:

1. Newborns don't last long. A friend told me how she met a first-time dad-to-be who confidently affirmed that he was ready for this baby--he had stocked up with 10 packages of newborn diapers. Uh oh! Hope his store has a return policy. I love those snuggly, velvety-cheeked little bundles, but before you blink your sleep-deprived eyes, you will find out your newborn is a full-fledged baby.

2. Babies make their own schedule. I was so proud that my first three babies were sleeping through the night by 3 months. When my fourth began sleeping a seven hour stretch at 2 months, I smiled confidently to myself that it was coming---a full night's sleep was within reach. He is now almost five months and has decided to change that. I am awakened every 3-4 hours to feed him and several times in between just to soothe him back to sleep. So much for my well-laid plans!

3. Excitement wanes quickly. The first weeks are like a honeymoon. Everyone wants to hold the baby. After all, he's so sweet and cuddly and does nothing but sleep (until those wee morning hours when no one volunteers--except maybe a dedicated grandparent). Aunts and uncles beg for their turn and older siblings fight over who gets to hold the baby next. This lasts until maybe the third week of the baby's life. Then, the baby screams while you're in the shower or otherwise occupied and you scream, "Will someone please hold the baby?" Of course, no one hears you or, apparently, the baby.

4. This moment is the best. Don't wait for the time they are out of diapers or in school or driving by themselves or out of the house. You will have missed so much. At least that's what they tell me....and I'm starting to understand.

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