Friday, March 25, 2011

Christian Homekeeper's Journal: Unity

This week’s Homekeeper’s Journal is about Homemaking and …..Unity

In my kitchen this week … I am planning on trying a few new recipes like these English Muffins and these Whole Wheat Tortillas. I'm also intrigued by this microwave jam.

In my household plans this week …. to do a monthly grocery shop again and to get the house ready to put in my new laminate flooring.

My off-the-cuff definition of Unity is …. having the same purpose or goal even if methods and opinions differ.

The opposite of Unity … fighting, arguing, being divided.

Unity in my home ….. means that we all recognize that our goal is to please the Lord and go about it in our different ways. This means we love each other and work as a team to that end.

Unity in my Church … means pretty much the same thing as unity in the home although it is much broader because more families and individuals are involved.

Between a husband and wife, Unity …. does not mean we have the same opinions, hobbies or even--at times---methods. It does mean that we are a team that cannot be divided nor diverted from our purpose of serving the Lord and raising our family for Him.

For more journal entries, visit The Christian Homekeeper.

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