Friday, June 5, 2009

Glimpses of Love

If you have been ill and felt the touch of your mother's hand...

If you have been afraid and ran to the strong arms of your daddy...

If you have stumbled, gotten up and heard the cheering of your parents...

If your heart has beat wildly when a "certain someone" entered the room...

If your sweetheart's profession of love has brought tears to your eyes and an ache to your chest...

If you have stroked the velvety softness of a newborn's cheek...

If you have watched your husband cradle that newborn in his arms and exclaim with shining eyes, "She's beautiful!"...

If you have inhaled the "baby smell" of a newborn's head, felt tiny fingers wrap around your own, seen your child's first smile, and heard the first word...

If you have seen a doctor's furrowed brow and cried inside, "Let it be me instead!"

If you have met a tired, dirty husband at the door as he comes home from a hard day's work...

If you have made a horrible choice and heard the words, "I forgive you"...

If you have felt the pain of a child's screamed, "I hate you!"...

If you have seen your teenager running from all that is good straight towards all that is evil and spent nights weeping...

If you welcome back the repentant child covered with the dust of sin and reeking of the stench of evil...

...than you have seen just a glimpse of the deep, deep love God has for YOU!

All photos by


  1. I love this! How timely... I just posted about this on my blog. Well, sort of. This was part of the message at our church today. It is a truly profound thing that He loves us inspite of ourselves and that we are His precious children.

    I really enjoyed the Gospel according to Pinnochio posts. I found them to be very thought provoking and insightful.

  2. What a beautiful post~I have tears in my eyes. It is true that our Lord loves us by grace~all because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. God bless, Rose

  3. Hi Jen!

    You've won my Stonyfield giveaway... if you can send me your snail mail address (ae at I can send you your prize package!

    Thanks for your entry!
    Amy Ellen from
