Monday, April 29, 2013

Guest Post: Super Mom by Sara Smith

When Jen asked if I would write a guest blog, I scrambled for ideas on what I should write about. Should I write about working and raising children, beginning a business in hopes of being able to stay home with my children, going back and forth about homeschooling, etc. Then, through the events of this past week, the Lord laid it upon my heart to write about something I struggle with daily. I call it my Super Mom Complex.

“Well, aren’t you just Super Mom.” It’s a phrase I hear once in a while, sometimes in a mean way, and sometimes as a compliment. Both grate on me. When I hear this comment, on the inside I’m thinking “Well, if you only knew what didn’t get done”, “Heaven forbid they see what my house really looks like any other day of the week”, or even worse, “Can’t they see how hard I work to do this?”

This past week was a hard and eye opening week for me. My daughter’s birthday fell during the week, so we made it a point to do something special on that day just for her. Then, because she was getting so much attention, I felt the need to get something for our son as well. We then threw her a party on the weekend for family and friends (which required driving 6 hours to pick up and return family who really wanted to be there) followed by baking treats for her to take to preschool on her next school day.

I know that list is probably normal routine for many families, but between my husband and myself, there are two full-time jobs, one part-time businesses to run, church commitments, running one child to speech therapy and preschool and the never ending everyday household chores. Did I mention I’m also nearly six months pregnant? Then it came. The dreaded “You are such a Super Mom, you deserve an award!” I smiled and said thank you, but my heart did not agree.

We all have hectic lives full of kids, projects, jobs, commitments and more. On the outside it appeared that I did wonderful things for my children this week, but the inside was bitter, resentful, and downright discouraged. I was short with my children, fought with my husband, and didn’t even once pour out my soul to my Heavenly Father.

For some reason we as women (I don’t think this is just for moms) think we can do it all, that we have to do it all. The truth, if we are living fully for Christ, is that we cannot master a thousand things for our Lord. I am a creative person and I love to make art. However, I know at this point in my life I am not going to be the next great discovered artist that will have their own wing in the Louvre. One day, in the future maybe I’ll achieve that, but mastering it now would take away from the things the Lord wants me to do.

The hardest part for me is when it concerns my children. I want to be their end all and be all. But, what service am I giving them to always rely on me and not on Christ? What service am I giving them to live in a heated environment where Mom and Dad are at odds with each other? What service am I giving them to go without something needed so Mommy can impress the company with her microscopically cleaned floors? What service am I giving my unborn child to run myself ragged to please others instead of focusing on creating a healthy and nurturing environment for him?

It all comes down to are we giving our best to the things the Lord has led us to do? If not, are we really doing the things we’ve been called to do or are we doing the things we think we need to do? If we are doing the things we’ve been called to, what is standing in our way of doing them to His glory? Spring cleaning isn’t just for the tangible accumulating clutter in our lives, it is absolutely necessary for our spiritual clutter as well.

Bio: Sara Smith
My oft neglected blog has the tagline God, family, home: Super crafty momma diva striving to be the best Godly momma and wife I can be. In a nutshell, that is me!

I currently work at a local university, teach part-time at a local Christian school, run a business (check it out - and am raising two (soon to be three!) wonderful children with my couldn't be more perfect for me chosen by God soulmate.

Everything art related is of interest to me and when I can eek out a moment or two I love photography and fiber crafts. My life isn't exactly what I had planned, and while I'd LOVE to be with my children 100% of the time, I know I am where God wants me to be right now.

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