Monday, July 9, 2012

When I Cry, He Hears

I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and He heard me out of His Holy Hill. Selah
Psalm 3:4

Do you ever feel like nobody cares about what you are going through?  We all face hard times in life, but when it is YOU facing those difficult moments, it is easy to feel as if you are the only one who has ever faced that problem before.  When we are in those valleys, we tend to think that nobody cares or sees what we are facing.  However, isn't it a comfort to know that we serve a God in Heaven who not only KNOWS what were going through, but can help us through it!  He never promised that our lives would be easy if we followed Him, but He did promise to "never leave us, or forsake us".

He hears us when we pour out our hearts to Him.  He wants His children to bring their burdens and concerns to Him.  Just in the next chapter of Psalms (4:3) it says, "...the Lord will hear when I call unto Him." What a huge promise from a mighty God!  It reminds me of the song the children sing, "Bigger than all my problems; bigger than anything! God is bigger than any mountain that I can or cannot see".  We serve an amazing God who is MORE than able for our little needs!  Let's take our burdens to Him and leave them at His feet today, trusting that He will see us through!


1 comment:

  1. Joanna, we want you to know our family does care about what you and Luke, Lori, and Steve are going thru these days! We have prayed for you many times recently and will continue to do so as you face the coming months! Blessings, Sharon & Paul Knight and family
