Thursday, October 20, 2011

Creating A Taste for the Real in Our Children

I want my kids to like real food. As you've probably already surmised, it is a passion of mine. I do my best to give them whole foods at least 80% of the time.

However, the reality is they just might grow up and decide that they'd rather eat a regular diet of french fries and powdered doughnuts.  While that would be disappointing to me, the real tragedy would be if they grew up to feast on the imitation food of the world rather than the whole, real food of the Spirit.

The Word of God tells us to taste and see that the Lord is good. We can argue about Scripture and discuss theology, but all God asks is for us to figuratively take a big bite of His Word for ourselves. When we taste the superior flavors of the real, we can recognize the world for what it is---cheap, imitation.

My job as a parent is to feed my children the real thing: to so saturate their taste buds with authentic Biblical truth that the moment they bite into the forbidden fruit, they come away with a bitter taste in their mouth.

I offer them the Bread of Life, so that the world's bread--stripped of nutrients and void of much but fillers--leaves them hungry and longing. Longing for the satisfaction that only He can give.

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